Save ID mapping tables

Saving mappers from the command-line

The database ID mapping tables can be downloaded as csv files. Each file contains all the universal IDs for either metabolites or reactions followed by the corresponding cross-referenced identifiers in other databases.

The ID mapping tables are saved as mergem_univ_id_mapper_metabolites.csv and mergem_univ_id_mapper_reactions.csv in the working directory.

The -s argument can be used to save the ID mapping tables on the command line:

mergem -s

Saving mappers using Python script

When importing mergem into a python script, the save_mapping_tables() function can be called to save the mapping tables as shown below:

import mergem


Custom filenames for saving ID mappers

The mapping table filenames can be customized by providing the desired filenames as input to the function.

mergem.save_mapping_tables('custom_met_mapper_filename.csv', 'custom_reac_mapper_filename.csv')